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12 Jan

I’m currently taking a break from the Internet. Just feel like need a break, it’s just the same old shit on fb, all those quotes etc, just the same old, tired of it. Waiting for something new.

I’m currently trying out p365 this year, and done good so far. Trying not to take pics of Atlas everyday, and take pics of other life bits, I’m using the Day One app on my iPhone for that, love it!!

Oh I accidentally left my roku remote at grans. I was thinking oh crap! But luckily I thought about the roku app they keep advertising, tried it out, and it actually works!! As long it’s on the same wifi 🙂

I have 4 months to finish my my Final Project towards graduation. Already started studying, looking forward to see how it unfolds. I have a picture in my head of what I want like to look like.

Nowadays when I go to any restaurants these days, I’m thinking, I can make a better version of this good at home!! Why pay for the food while it don’t taste good and you don’t know what’s in it?? Guess that tells me I’m a good cook 🙂

Sitting here listening to mcCoughy, he’s sick with a cold…

There’s a hype right now that there’s a new tech out there, captioned glasses for movie theaters. I have yet to experince it, went to see the Hobbit and was planning to ask if they had them, then I told myself, I know better, they don’t have them so not gonna even ask. But one thing I was thinking… Why can’t deaf people own their own captioned glasses instead of depending on theaters to have them?

Thoughts from today…

17 Dec

Wish groceries store would deliver.

Wish fast food would deliver.

Wish there was a coupon card you can use at any store, instead of clipping coupons

Ugh, Facebook has been filled with those picture things all year, ready for something new already!

Long time no see…

16 Dec

So, I passed Java! that is like a Christmas gift to me. that is off my shoulders. Whew!

Next is PHP class. my last class til graduation. actually looking forward to it.

Now I’m on Christmas break, trying to find a way to be productive during this time but nothing yet.

I accidentally deleted 5,000 pics from my hard drives, eek was so upset. I was able to recover 2,500+ of them. Makes me realize that need to print the pics or actually scrap them more often. always good to have doubles or triples, so on.

Christmas is soon!, it will start Saturday for us, then Sunday  then on Christmas Day. I got some wrapping done, but need to finish it. The second bedroom AKA the storage room is a mess, mostly filled with presents. plan to get that room straighten out after all the fun.

What’s sad is that 20 kids from Sandy Hook wont be able to open their presents, 20 parents will be without their kids this holiday season and so on, all over a selfish act. Very sad. They was just innocent 6 years old (and 7-year-old) This needs to be stopped! Make me realize it’s not safe anywhere anymore. Hold your children tight and cherish them.



a small quote…

2 Dec

“sometimes you think you know the person, but you really don’t know what really goes on in the inside”


just a thought…

A guide to a healthy me

26 Nov

Ugh so i gained all my weight back from what i lost 3 month- ish ago, sucks. blame the holiday season, i ate alot of mom’s sweet potato caserole because it was soooo good. Now i’m paying for it…so back to my diet again. My diet consists of  eating at 8 am, noon and 5 pm and stop for the day. moving around more and no sugar.

here’s some things i use as a reminder/motivation from Pinterest…


Disclaimer: Images are not mine


16 Nov

still busy here, just wanted to pop in…

still finding new stuff for Windows 8 and iPhone both (appwise)

sad news, Twinkies may go out of business due to bankruptcy , this includes ding dongs and ho ho’s too. Grandma’s favorite is ding dong, she has one every night. i called her and she said “what will i do without ding dongs?” ” I’ll have to go back to Lil Debbie’s”

finally getting caught up with Greys, thanks to the Roku, makes it easier with a remote compared to the computer.

saw that Tim Burton is making his own version of Pinocchio. Hmmm not a fan of Tim Burton but we’ll see.

oh i watched  The Amazing Spiderman  the other day, I, myself thought it was better than the original


ok back to the Roku 🙂



9 Nov

wish alllll videos on line was closed captioned

Didn’t know that Tim Allen was on Last Man Standing, loved him in home improvement

Dishes are boring but it’s better when I watch Hulu on the kindle while doing them

Easy open package, whatever, I’m still using the scioors, love the kitchen scioors

Tuna quesadilla and baked potato for dinner. Yum!

I’m a paper plate hog, have to have more than 1

Feels like my mind has 4 wheels….

8 Nov

and it’s running fast. a bit overwhelmed here. just wanna to everything but can’t do it all at once, not enough time in the day. like I start to do something and keep getting distracted by things that pop up. hopefully I will be able to let some of that energy out asap

I got a new Roku, love it, haven’t really played with it tho (read above)

Then I got a new laptop thanks to my SO ❤ It was an early Christmas for me. Love it!! and loving Windows 8, I like the start page. it’s a bit different from all of the previous Windows. I’m still customizing it to my satisfaction,  hopefully I can so that soon… like tonight  (again read above)

One thing I wish Windows 8 had is a Facebook app and a lot others, but I’m sure they are still working on getting more apps into the Windows store.

Now I feel like that’s enough tech toys for now, iPhone, Kindle, Roku, lappy is plenty for me and top on that I have Netflix and Hulu etc…

ok.. now i’m gonna play now 🙂

Hello my name is lil’ Ms Busy Bee…

5 Nov

Been sooooooo busy lately, that’s why i haven’y posted anything in a while, that sucks because ended my daily posting streak 😦 but will get back in to it and i do want to keep this blog alive 🙂 so i present you with this:


PS thanks for the 400+ views in the short 4 months. It is greatly appreciated 🙂


Stuff I used to do in my childhood…

26 Oct
  • Squeezing pop cans when Idrank pop
  • Leave tissues all over the place
  • Got picked on about singing R. Kelly’s I believe I can fly
  • Threw up on someone’s shoes when I was 8 and that story still get told to this day
  •  Watched music videos allll the time
  • had my camera with me all the time